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University of South Bohemia awarded two doctorates Honoris Causa

The University appreciated the outstanding Czech literary historian and critic Jaroslav Med and the outstanding Canadian expert in philosophizing with children Michel Sasseville with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.

On Wednesday, 20 May the University of South Bohemia awarded two honorary doctorates at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Council of USB. The title of Doctor Honoris Causa was awarded to the outstanding Czech literary historian and critic Jaroslav Med and the outstanding Canadian expert in philosophizing with children Michel Sasseville. The ceremony was held in the ceremonial hall of the Town Hall of Ceske Budejovice.

Jaroslav Med is a significant literary historian, critic and editor. His principal research interests are the modern Czech literature of the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th centuries and the Christian-oriented poetry and prose.

Michel Sasseville is a leading expert in the field of mediation of the philosophy or philosophical thinking to students, even to children of the school and pre-school age. He significantly contributed to the programme of the Philosophy for Children: Prevention of violence specified to children at primary schools.

The University of South Bohemia since its foundation in 1991 awarded 25 honorary doctorates. Among them there are six home and 19 foreign holders. Among the award winners there is for example the world-renowned chemist Antonin Holy.

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