Study visit at CLYS, Ireland under Erasmus + KA: 2 Project of Strategic Partnerships

On December, 5th - 7th, 2019, the international team of the Strategic Partnerships project "Spirituality and Social Ethics in Social Work" met in Ennis, Ireland. The project is implemented under the Erasmus+ programme, the Faculty of Theology, USB as the main researcher cooperates with the Faculty of Theology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, Spain, Gál Ferenc College Szeged, Hungary and Clare Youth Service, Ennis, Ireland.

The project team met with the management as well as the administrative staff of Clare Youth Service (CLYS) and aimed to better understand their legal form and the institutional as well as the legal background of undertaken activities.

“We visited a high school where we had the opportunity to speak with teachers and students, as well as a number of leisure clubs in rural areas and other activities held in Ennis and Sahnnon. All of them combine pedagogical and social work, which are in summary referred to as youth work ”, said the head of the project, Assoc. Prof. Michal Opatrný.

The project experts were interested in the questions which ethical dilemmas the workers deal with in practice and how the organization works with the theme of spirituality as a source of motivation and values that influences the behavior and decision-making of their clients. They want to take this information into account once preparing the project outputs; educational modules for master's degree study programs in social work as well as a textbook for university students of social work.